Our mission at P2zero® is: "to be a proactive partner to our clients, helping to inform, simplify & accelerate their transition to Net Zero & beyond."
P2zero has committed to a Net Zero target of 2030 for scopes 1, 2 and 3. Our current carbon footprint for scopes 1,2 & 3 is calculated at 1,114 kg CO2e per FTE. Our largest individual footprint item is from employee homeworking (45%) followed by purchased goods and services (27%) representing the annualised footprint of our IT hardware and cloud services. Our use of homeworking, public transport and electric / hybrid vehicles has kept our emissions for travel and commuting area very low (14%). Our detailed carbon footprint analysis and carbon reduction plan have been approved by the P2zero board are available on request.
All staff at P2zero are encouraged and given time for "pro-bono" consultancy and volunteering, whether for local charitable causes or in support of national initiatives and programmes.
P2zero also contributes time and resources to a number of initiatives including the GDSA and Founders4schools.
At P2zero we take social and environmental factors into consideration alongside financial factors in making decisions on the purchase of goods and the commissioning of services. Our purchasing decisions should where practical consider whole life cost and the associated risks and implications for society and the environment. Procurement can make a significant contribution to our goals of sustainable economic development and resource minimisation by ensuring that the goods and services we buy consider optimum environmental performance. Our policy, which covers Sustainable Procurement, Ethical Procurement, Procurement Process and Responsibility & Authority, is approved by the P2zero board and available on request.
P2zero is committed to continuously improving its practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships. Our modern slavery commitment is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes P2ZERO’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31st July 2023. The statement covers the activities of P2zero (the trading name of PX3 Services Ltd) and P2zero’s supply chain. The statement is approved by the P2zero board and is available on request.
Our People and Organisational Strategy sets out our mission, core values and commitment to professionalism, collaboration and staff development. It covers our aims, strategy and approach to Learning and Development, Organisational Development and Equality & Diversity. The strategy is approved by the P2zero board and available on request.
P2zero has a number of operational policies and plans relating to business continuity and information security which are reviewed and updated annually. Copies of the policies are available on request.
The P2zero privacy statement regarding our use of information together with contact information for any enquiries is publicly available on our website here.
P2zero maintains an appropriate set of insurances for the business size, products and areas of operation. These include professional indemnity, public, product and employer liability cover. Copies of the policies are available on request.